Network Analytics & Reporting


Increase network efficiency with real-time detection, investigation and response workflows

Increase network efficiency with real-time detection, investigation and response workflows

Real-time monitoring and analytics

Global Edge features built-in network analytics that delivers full network visibility. Understand application flows based on category, application & protocol and their respective data. With the Global Edge platform, you gain the power to transform your IT network into a high-performing, resilient, and secure infrastructure.

Improved Visibility

Network analytics provides comprehensive visibility into the entire network, allowing you to monitor data flow patterns and detect anomalies.

Performance Optimisation

The insights collected can be used to optimise network performance, identifying bottlenecks and ensuring efficient allocation of resources.

Data-Driven Decisions

The Global Edge platform provides historical data and trends that can inform decisions regarding network upgrades and scalability.
Global Edge Real Time Reporting

Valuable insights for greater control

Global Edge provides visualisations of the flows between the two end points. The system combines robust monitoring capabilities with innovative built-in analytics to deliver a comprehensive solution for managing IT networks. While helping to detect irregularities and security threats in real-time, it also generates valuable insights to bolster a system’s performance and overall health.

Built-In SD-WAN Analytics

Real-time and historical data of you secure SD-WAN network from the Global Edge dashboard.

  • Port Status information
  • Tunnel Performance – latency and data traffic
  • Leg Performance – configuration and performance of each underlay circuit (leg)
  • QoS – real-time and historical data for traffic classes (interactive, routine, bulk)
  • Traffic – total NTU and port traffic summaries 
Appflow DPI